MacPro3,1 MacPro5,1
Geekbench 2 Score 11932 8421

System Information

MacPro3,1 MacPro5,1
Operating System Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Build 12C60) Mac OS X 10.6.6 (Build 10J567)
Model MacPro3,1 MacPro5,1
Processor Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.31 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores
Intel Core i7-860 @ 3.07 GHz
1 Processor, 4 Cores, 8 Threads
Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5
L1 Instruction Cache 32 KB x 2 32 KB
L1 Data Cache 32 KB x 2 32 KB
L2 Cache 256 KB x 2 256 KB
L3 Cache 6144 KB 8192 KB
Motherboard Apple Inc. Mac-F42C88C8 To be filled by O.E.M. Apple Computer, Inc. Mac-F221BEC8 Rev 1.xx
BIOS Apple Inc. MP31.88Z.006C.B05.0802291410 Apple Inc.
Memory 16.00 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 6.00 GB 1757 MHz DDR3

Integer Performance

MacPro3,1 MacPro5,1
Integer 10692 6824
single-core scalar
2646 1866
multi-core scalar
11070 12173
Text Compress
single-core scalar
4232 1996
Text Compress
multi-core scalar
16046 10966
Text Decompress
single-core scalar
4672 2211
Text Decompress
multi-core scalar
18762 12203
Image Compress
single-core scalar
3900 2019
Image Compress
multi-core scalar
14737 9271
Image Decompress
single-core scalar
4407 1799
Image Decompress
multi-core scalar
16610 6923
single-core scalar
6346 3277
multi-core scalar
24880 17189

Floating Point Performance

MacPro3,1 MacPro5,1
Floating Point 16502 13723
single-core scalar
3649 2587
multi-core scalar
14459 16390
Dot Product
single-core scalar
5945 4212
Dot Product
single-core vector
7184 5025
Dot Product
multi-core scalar
24569 17642
Dot Product
multi-core vector
32223 23174
LU Decomposition
single-core scalar
3234 672
LU Decomposition
multi-core scalar
7037 2717
Primality Test
single-core scalar
10069 4999
Primality Test
multi-core scalar
31571 19760
Sharpen Image
single-core scalar
8486 6098
Sharpen Image
multi-core scalar
33707 31792
Blur Image
single-core scalar
9929 8029
Blur Image
multi-core scalar
38973 49033

Memory Performance

MacPro3,1 MacPro5,1
Memory 7436 4033
Read Sequential
single-core scalar
8316 5274
Write Sequential
single-core scalar
12072 2768
Stdlib Allocate
single-core scalar
5567 3387
Stdlib Write
single-core scalar
4785 3776
Stdlib Copy
single-core scalar
6443 4963

Stream Performance

MacPro3,1 MacPro5,1
Stream 9270 4233
Stream Copy
single-core scalar
8658 4337
Stream Copy
single-core vector
10316 6111
Stream Scale
single-core scalar
8784 4578
Stream Scale
single-core vector
9871 5687
Stream Add
single-core scalar
8501 1569
Stream Add
single-core vector
10808 5746
Stream Triad
single-core scalar
9235 1688
Stream Triad
single-core vector
7990 4149